Mobile Crime Lab
Mobile Crime Lab for Fairfax County Police Department parked outside near the Frontline Communications building on a cloudy day.

Well-equipped for maximum results.


Frontline Communications’ mobile crime lab vehicles are designed to provide immediate test results of evidence material and compound testing while minimizing potential contamination of evidence during transport. By having access to the same test and measurement equipment that’s in the operations center labs, forensics teams can conduct extensive evidence collection and processing at the scene.

Frontline Communications' vehicles provide your agency with the capability to mobilize your crime lab equipment, resulting in an innovative and integral tool for your agency’s crime scene investigations. Power systems, water systems, ergonomic workspaces, lighting, storage, and HVAC systems are standard features in the mobile crime lab vehicle. Let Frontline Communications help design and build your mobile crime lab.

Mobile Crime Lab for Fairfax County Police Department parked outside near the Frontline Communications building on a cloudy day.


Vehicle Specs


Freightliner M2-106
Ford F-750
Others available

Overall Length

Up to 40’

Body Length

15’ to 30’

Generator Power

Up to 30kW


Up to 4


18,000 to 56,000 lb


Up to 8


Body: 10-years
Paint: 5-years
Electrical: 2-years
Fabricated parts: 5-years
Workmanship: 1-year

Vehicle Equipment


Custom power panel
240V/50A power system
2 roof-mount 15,000 BTU HVAC
Red/white dimmable interior lighting
Emergency lighting
Custom ventilation


Firecom intercom system
HD and thermal cameras
Video routing system
LCD/LED video displays

Popular Options


Custom aluminum cabinets
Galley w/microwave, coffeemaker, and refrigerator
Pedestal sliding swivel chairs
Electric awning
Roll-up compartment doors


Custom communications console in cab for mounting radios and controllers
Customized A/V, network, radio and phone systems
Cellular signal booster